An approach of organizations and management: Systemic ethics, democracy and sustainability


  • Pierre Bricage


Systemic ethics, Democracy, Sustainability


          To survive all living systems have “to eat and not to be eaten”. But, soon or late, every one is eaten ( To partly escape from the dilemma of the predator-prey game, in which “who wins loses”, the predator must, as the prey, enter into an Association for the Reciprocal and Mutual Sharing of Advantages and DisAdvantages (ARMSADA) -like a lichen or a cell, which both are an organism and an ecosystem-. Every ARMSADA emerges when all partners simultaneously lose the ability to kill the others. In the new Whole everything which is an advantage for a partner is a disadvantage for the others ( They are merged together “for the best and for the worst”. “The benefits are only for their Wholeness” which get new “abilities” ( -like the cell, which, with the help of a virus, emerged from a mat of Monera ( In their new endophysiotope the “Parceners” are all interdependent. Through the iteration of the process of ARMSADAs' emerging, each new more-and-more complex “system-of-systems” is more-and-more independent of its ecoexotope ( The endophysiotope of a i level of organisation is the ecoexotope of previous i-n levels. Due to the parceners half-autonomy, abilities of the previous levels are lost while simultaneously new ones are gained: “The Whole is both less and more than the sum of its parts”(          BALANCING individualism/merging individualities into collective neo-individualism, the process of ARMSADA rising has allowed the EMERGENCE of new life forms. This “only one way” of evolution allows the EXAPTATION of new endophysiotopes more-and-more independent of their previous ecoexotopes. There are never advantages without disadvantages. “To survive that is to turn disadvantages into advantages and to avoid turning advantages into disadvantages.” From the simplicity of the Monera to the complexity of the cell and the hyper-complexity of the lichen, the blueprint of each new system-of-systems has preserved the ancient footprints of the previous life forms. The life gauge invariance explains the scaling invariance of growth processes, the Law of which is independent of the organisations levels. The ecological, economical, educational or societal artefacts of the Man endangered species must be built according to the way of ARMSADA: “nobody must be a permanent winner”, “everybody alternatively is a winner and a loser”, “transparency is necessary to allow the mutual and reciprocal sharing of advantages and disadvantages”.
