Reconsideration, Revitalization and Innovation toward Art and Culture Management in Museum from Xianghu Kiln Archaeology


  • Ye Jiabei
  • Chusak Suvimolstien
  • Poradee Panthupakorn


Xianghu Kiln in Song Dynasty, Yingtian community, Xianghu Kiln Museum, community archaeology, bluish white porcelain


Jingdezhen Xianghu Kiln is an important producer of bluish white porcelain in the Song Dynasty in China. So far, there are nearly 100 dragon kiln sites and ancient kiln industry remains in Yingtian Village. However, archaeologists and community residents ignored Xianghu Kiln culture and even destroyed ancient kiln sites. This study collects and reorganizes Xianghu kiln records and historical context in order to understand the value and significance of Xianghu kiln; analyzing the cultural value of Xianghu Kiln in Yingtian Village in Song Dynasty in order to obtain the methods of protecting and managing the cultural space of Xianghu Kiln; and combined with the relevant policies of Chinese governments at all levels, formulated plans for the management of cultural space in Xianghu Kiln in Yingtian Village in order to put forward new ideas for the management of cultural space in Yingtian Village. This study adopts qualitative and participatory research methods on archaeological sites to gain valuable experiences from five aspects: policy, handicraft, ancient kiln, museum, and community archaeology, and forms a community management model toward ancient kiln sites “protection-research-dissemination-revitalization” as the research conclusion, linking the government, researchers, artists, and community residents to jointly protect and develop ancient kiln cultural resources, revitalizing and spreading the ancient kiln culture.


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