Influencing Factors of Online Learning Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention Among Chinese College Students


  • Yu Zhou
  • Somsit Duangekanong


Convenience, Benefit, Self-efficacy, Student Engagement, Flexibility, Perceived Usefulness, Satisfaction, Intention


The purpose of this study is to investigate the key influencing factors of college students’ online learning satisfaction and behavioral intention during the epidemic period. The examined variables are convenience, benefit, self-efficacy, student engagement, flexibility, perceived usefulness, satisfaction and intention. The methodology used is quantitative method (n=550) by sending questionnaires to senior art and design students in three private universities in Sichuan Province. Multistage sampling was accounted to use nonprobability sampling with judgmental sampling to select top three private art colleges and universities. Next, probability sampling with stratified random sampling was taken to calculate the amount of each group. Last, the convenience sampling was to distribute questionnaires via offline and online channels. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), including model fit, reliability, and validity were deployed for data analysis. Research findings showed that convenience, benefit, self-efficacy, student engagement, flexibility, and perceived usefulness significantly impact satisfaction and intention. Satisfaction strongly influences online learning intention, followed by benefit, student engagement, flexibility, perceived usefulness, convenience, and self-efficacy. In summary, seven hypotheses were proven to achieve research objectives. Therefore, this study suggests academic practitioners to assess influencing factors to improve college students’ online learning satisfaction and behavioral intention.


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