Doctoral dissertations in the field of humanities and social sciences of Burapha University, Chon Buri, Thailand


  • Ha Thi Do
  • Rungrat Srisuriyawet
  • Wannipa Asawachaisuwikrom


Doctoral degree dissertation, Research methodologies, Humanities and Social Sciences


ABSTRACT            The purpose of this research was to investigate on the research methodology of the doctoral dissertations of graduates in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences of Burapha University from year 2002 -2010 by examining sampling design, sample size, research instruments, and statistical devices used to analyze data. The methodology employed in the study involved the synthesis of secondary data sets from methodological scans of doctoral dissertations in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences of Burapha University from year 2002 -2010. There were 60 dissertations available for this study from seven faculties. The study used content analysis to quantify the data by providing descriptive frequencies.            The results of relationship analysis between research methodologies and the year of graduation, sampling design, sample size as well as statistical devices indicated that the tendency of using mixed methods and qualitative research methodologies were increasing during 2008 – 2010. With reference to qualitative research methodologies, almost all the dissertations used the non-probability purposive sampling method, with the sample size of less than 100 units. As for quantitative research methodologies, the probability random sampling method, with a large sample size (400 units upward) was found mostly used.              Concerning statistical devices, principles of content analysis, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics were employed for the data analysis. As for inferential statistics, advanced statistics methods were used in the highest number; while univariate statistics methods and multivariate statistics methods were used in the equal number. 
