The pesticide dilemma in developing countries


  • D. J. Ecobichon.


Pesticides, Agricultural chemicals.


            As developing nations face dramatic population increases, demands for more and better quality food and the attraction of international trade in the global agricultural marketplace, chemical pesticide use will continue to rise, with concomitant increases in acute and chronic intoxications in the agricultural workforce. It is imperative that governments develop a “philosophy” concerning the importation, manufacture, registration and use of these chemicals, frequently the nonpatented, inexpensive and highly toxic agents banned or restricted in industrialized countries. Pesticide misuse/abuse and adverse health consequences will continue to plague developing nations until there is a political will to allocate adequate resources, both monetary and personnel, to develop an infractructure for control of and education about pesticides.            The “philosophy” must include a component to initiate and support training programs for agricultural workers, educating them about the hazards, handling and safety of these chemicals. Such programs could be operated through governmental extension services of through regional universities.
