An Empirical Investigation of the Impacts of Website Quality on Consumer Loyalty: A Case of Baby Boomers


  • Laura Egeln
  • Kittichai Watchravesringkan


Website Quality, Consumer Satisfaction, Trust, Loyalty, Baby Boomers


The purposes of the study seek to 1) examine the association between website quality dimensions and overall perceived website quality; 2) examine the relationship among overall perceived website quality, consumer satisfaction, and trust; and 3) examine the association between consumer satisfaction, trust, and consumer loyalty. Data were collected via a self-administered questionnaire from an online panel called Amazon Mechanical Turk ( The study’s final sample consisted of 188 responses. To test all hypothesis relationships, we followed a two step structural equation modeling approach. Results revealed that system quality dimension (web appearance and interactivity) did not positive impact overall perceived website quality. The information quality dimension of informativeness did positively impact overall perceived website quality but information quality dimension of security did not positively impact overall perceive website quality. Service quality dimension of fulfillment did not positively impact overall perceived website quality, but service quality dimension of responsiveness did positively impact overall perceived website quality. In addition, results also showed that overall perceived website quality positively impact trust, which in turn, influences loyalty in terms of WOM, repatronage intentions, and share of wallet. Furthermore, overall perceived website quality was found to positively influence satisfaction, but satisfaction was not found to positively influence trust. However, we only found that satisfaction positively influenced WOM and share of wallet but not repatronage intentions. Theoretical and managerial implications are provided. Limitations and future research direction are addressed.


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