Factors Influencing Job-Seeking Intentions for Lecturer Positions at Chinese Universities


  • Heng Chu
  • Lu Suo


Lecturer Recruitment, Job Characteristics, University Reputation, Job-seeker's Willingness to Accept Positions, Fairness, Social Satisfaction


The primary objective of this study is to delve into the impact of the development of higher education in China on the recruitment strategies of lecturers in Chinese public universities. The aim is to provide a novel theoretical foundation for understanding and predicting job seeker behavior by applying Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory, and Equity Theory within the context of higher education. The findings reveal that these theories uncover a tendency among individuals to seek job opportunities that satisfy higher-level needs rather than remain in high-pressure environments. The main findings of this study highlight the crucial role of job characteristics in shaping university reputation and influencing job seekers' willingness to accept positions. Data analysis confirmed that job characteristics, such as creativity and job satisfaction, directly enhance the academic reputation of universities and indirectly affect lecturers' retention intentions. This study offers strategic guidance for higher education institutions on how to enhance university reputation and attract top talent by optimizing job characteristics, and provides new insights into individuals' needs and motivations in career choices.


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