Empirical Impact Study of Transformational Leadership Practices of Educational Leadership Training Team Leaders: A Case Study of the National Institute for Development of Teachers Faculty Staffs and Educational Personnel (NIDTEP)


  • Gregory A. Smith


Transformational leadership, Transactional leadership, Competency, Component


ABSTRACT             This study examined and identified the prevalent transformational leadership components of project team leaders at the National Institute for the Development of Teachers and Educational Personnel (NIDTEP), and called attention to the correlation between the viewpoints of project team leaders and that of team members who are responsible for training educational administrators and educational staff. A 32-item questionnaire was used to explore the aspects pertaining to the leadership competencies of project team leaders and the perceptions of project team leaders as transformational leaders, as observed by team members and the team leaders themselves. The study was performed over the period from June 2012 to September 2012. The findings indicated that the quality score for transformational components was higher and, thus, is consistent with the leadership characteristics that are directly correlated with the components of the transformational leadership style. However, it was noted that their behaviors were also entwined with the transactional style of leadership while performing their team leadership task as educational facilitators at the NIDTEP. 

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